1) July. Today not only heralds in a new month, but also the beginning of a holiday weekend. I cannot believe it is July already! I feel like I just made my 2011 goals list a couple weeks ago (uh, goals? What goals?). Before I know it, it’s going to be Halloween, and then Thanksgiving, and then CHRISTMAS! Crazy! I’m not ready! Along with that reality slap, this holiday weekend also means a lot of people I know are on vacation, or about to go on vacation. Insert sad face here. I have reached the point of exhaustion that always makes me daydream about going away. San Diego! Laguna Beach! ….Flagstaff, even! I’m still plotting and devising… so we’ll see if I can swing it;-)
2) Summer reading program. Cameron finished his first year of public school at the end of May, and with two and a half months of the “summer slide” ahead of us, I decided he needs something academic to do. I looked into several summer reading programs, and was sorely disappointed – read 10 books, get a free book; read 12 books, pick from a selection of bookmarks. Ten books? Twelve? What’s up with that? Now, Cameron’s got a literature major mama, and there’s no way I’d let him aim so low. Granted, he’s going into first grade, so it’s not like he’ll be reading chapter books, but still. Kids should be reading every day, not once in a while. So I set up a chart – every time he reads a book, he fills in a block and writes out the title. When he reaches 20, we’ll take a trip to Target and he’ll get to pick out a toy (which, I don’t know how your household works, but he really only gets toys for his birthday and Christmas). He was all too eager to start, and we are 5 books down so far. He shows so much improvement every time he finishes one. That’s my boy!
3) Summer movies. I don’t think I’ve been to the movies in about two months. That’s pretty sad considering it’s one of my favorite things to do… but it costs money, and I’m penny-pinching right now. I wanted to see the Pirates movie, Transformers, Bad Teacher, Kung Fu Panda 2, Cars 2, Harry Potter… ugh – summer is such a tease! Have you been to the movies lately? Seen anything good?
4) Work. Work has been really busy – and it goes back to #1… I am so burnt out right now. My fingers don’t want to do what my brain tells them! And I think I’m going to have to start making at least 8 items every day, so that I can stay in it when school starts up again. Here’s to perseverance!
5) Sale. Speaking of work, if you haven’t checked out the Handmade Baby Love Facebook Page, you should – there’s a special Independence Day weekend sale going on!
Here’s to a fantastic July everyone!
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